Ofsted Good GP Colour

Birmingham Road, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, DY10 2BY

School Office - 01562 822929


History is taught throughout the school.

Curriculum intent


Students should have enquiring minds, a desire to find out more about what has happened, why, what motivated people and whether ‘things’ have got better. Students should be challenged by studying aspects that are upsetting and shocking to recognise the above.


They should be able to express themselves eloquently and support their opinions and judgements - the key to their futures in the ‘big, wide world’.


Students should be able to investigate the past independently and use a variety of sources and other experiences including educational visits in order to study the past.

Curriculum implementation

Subject leadership

History is led in the Senior school by a teacher with 17 years experience, of which 13 years at leadership. There is an enthusiastic team in Key Stage 3 including an avid enthusiast of the Ancient and Medieval worlds. In Primary years there is a designated lead who co-ordinates the history topics in line with National Curriculum guidelines.

Subject knowledge

You can never know everything about the past, but having followed the national curriculum as a framework, it is important to study the past chronologically to consider change, continuity, significance and impact. In addition, research skills and using sources are crucial to furthering and developing knowledge both as teachers and as students.

Equitable delivery

All pupils at KS1, KS2 and KS3 study history. Pupils can choose in Year 9 whether to opt to study History GCSE and a full range of abilities study History at both GCSE and A level. If students are interested in studying A level History without prior study their GCSE English attainment is considered instead.

Planning the progression model

Both knowledge and skills underpin the History curriculum. Some topics, especially the Tudors are explicitly taught three times in the Senior school, each time in increasing depth, and at A level greater breadth. The A level topics deepen and broaden knowledge at GCSE. KS3 topics prepare students for study of GCSE, given them a good chronological overview and preparation in key skills which will be assessed at GCSE.

Please refer to the curriculum map for further details of the topics delivered.

Breadth and depth

There are several depth studies including WWI, Elizabeth I, Fascist Italy and breadth studies including Medieval control and life and Health and the People.


At KS3 assessments reflect and build the skills and knowledge used at GCSE including source and explanation skills. At key stage 3, 4 and 5 summative assessments are completed after each topic and scaffolding is provided for those pupils who require it.